How A Small Air Pump For Fish Tank Promotes The Fishery Economy
Bangladesh is one of the leading fishes producing countries in the world with a total production of 4.134 million metric tons per year (DoF. 2017), where aquaculture contributes 56.44 percent to the entire production. The average growth performance of this sector in the last 10 years is almost 5.43 percent. According to Fisheries Statistical Yearbook 2016-17, the government is trying to sustain this growth performance,which eventually ensures to achieve the projected production target of 4.55 million metric tons by 2020-21. In of inland fish production, Bangladesh has ranked third in the world in 2018, according to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2018), FRSS (2016) describes that the fisheries sector also plays a very important role in the national economy as it contributes 3.69% to the GDP of the country and 22.60% to the agricultural GDP. This sector has a more or less consistent growth rate ranging from 7.32% to 4,40% from 2009 to 2014
Every year the small-scale fisheries in developing countries suffer from huge post-harvest losses. The huge loss in fisheries creates enormous pressure on the food security of the country. Although the approach exists to double the fish production, the current post-harvest loss is emulated to be devastating, about 20-30% in different fish and fishery products. According to Nowsad (2010), a 50% reduction of such loss can save 950-1200 billion USD per annum. In order to preserve fishes often a small air pump for fish tank is used